Liens and Levies

What does it mean?

Liens and levies are used by the IRS to collect unpaid tax debts and put pressure on the taxpayer to settle their debt. Both should be dealt with as soon as possible to avoid further complications down the road.

How Does it Work?

A tax lien is when the IRS files a public document notifying your creditors that they are placing a claim on your property. This means that when the property is sold, the proceeds go to pay your tax debt. Nothing happens to the property itself, but the IRS has staked its claim. This means you will need to get the lien removed in order to sell your property.

A tax levy is when the IRS actually takes the property. The most common form of a levy is a wage garnishment. However, the IRS can levy any type of property – a home, car, or anything else you own.

A lien usually comes before a levy. If you’ve been notified that the IRS is going to file a tax lien, you need to get help as soon as possible. With a levy, this is even more urgent!

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